The White Wolf Yoga Founder

There are infinite ways that a consistent yoga practice can benefit the mind, body and soul. In my own practice, I seek balance between strength and flexibility – a daily battle. At this stage of my yoga journey I prefer a challenging Vinyasa practice, focusing to connect the body with the breath, working the core and bringing the body to a point of physical exhaustion that allows for an extended Savasana meditation. I practice Yoga in some way every single day and I spend as much time as I can studying the ancient Yogic texts and their varying translations, as well as learning about the finer anatomical and physiological aspects of the various asanas. I am driven in my investigation purely by my own passion to understand the body, the mind and the human experience. I believe that yogis are Warriors of Light, leading with the fierce purity of their inner White Wolf. A successful yoga teacher will bring awareness to the Warrior within as they show us how to dig up and use the tools that we already carry within ourselves; guiding us to be both strong and gentle as we HOLD asanas; challenging us to change our normal patterns of movement and adapt; patiently lighting the way as we discover how to control the body, in turn learning to LET GO as we work to calm the mind and find our stillness within. Ultimately, a successful yoga teacher will inspire us to carry the mindfulness we use on the mat out into the world to spread kindness, consideration and understanding. Much easier said than done…these are the values I aspire to consistently carry as an instructor, and what I search for in my own teachers as I continue to discover my personal practice. Yoga is a practice which constantly evolves. If we can learn to drop any judgments or expectations about ourselves… if we keep our hearts open, our bodies strong and our minds flexible… if we can remember to listen from within and to follow White Wolf… then we will see that we already have everything we need. After all, we are stronger than we think.

* Registered Yoga Teacher - 200 Hour
* (RYT-200) Certified through Yoga Alliance in 2018
* Yoga Practitioner for 18 years and counting
* Experience working with students of all types and all ages, including those who are living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Knee Replacements, previous shoulder and back injuries, low blood pressure and more...
Remember - Yoga IS for EVERYONE.

The Story Behind the Name -

 A heartfelt conversation blooms between grandfather and grandson. The grandfather explains that when we are born, within each of us there are two wolves. One black. One White.
The Black Wolf is angry and jealous and spiteful. He is rough around the edges, full of hatred and vengeance. He is selfish, prideful and stubborn, depressive and greedy. He lives with thorns arround his heart, unable to love. He is never satisfied.
The White Wolf is pure and honest and compassionate, yet he remains fierce. He is beautiful, humble and full of heart: born to love. He is forgiving and selfless, nonjudgmental and wholesome. He is calm and centered, perfectly content in any given moment.
The grandfather tells the grandson that as we grow, the wolves grow too...But there is only enough room within us for one of them to live. The grandfather turns to leave, considering his lesson and story time complete.
The grandson cries out, needing to know which wolf will live.
The grandfather replies simply, “Whichever one you feed”.


Feed the WHITE WOLF within. Start today with developing your yoga practice!

Click here to learn how.